We are working hard to develop a series of resources for use by visitors with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This page will share what is available so please keep coming back as we will add more resources over time.

Scroll down to find out about our Sensory Backpacks, Sensory Map, Visual Guide and Visual Sequence Cards/Planning Boards.

Sensory Backpacks

There are four SEND Friendly Sensory Backpacks available for visitors to borrow during your visit at the Museum. They all contain the same items, most of which relate to our collection. We hope these will help make your visit more enjoyable with us. These are available for family, school and individual visitors to use.

Included in the backpack are:

  • Cat and Victorian themed books
  • Coloured readers/guiders
  • A cat soft toy (you may spot other cats during your visit!)
  • Fidget toys
  • Sand timer
  • Ear defenders
  • Torch
  • Train toy
  • Magnifying glass
  • Visit Sequence Cards and Planning Board (similar to PECS style picture/symbol communication to help you plan what you will see and do during your visit with us.) You can download a copy of this in advance of your visit below.

These are free to borrow by signing them out at the Museum Reception and leaving some form of ID as security (passport/driving license/credit card). This is stored securely and returned when backpack is returned. You are welcome to phone or email on the day of your visit to reserve a backpack to make sure there is one ready for you on arrival (0131 663 7519 or email reception@nationalminingmuseum.com)

You can borrow ear defenders separately from the Sensory Backpack from Reception as well.

The Sensory Backpacks were created thanks to the support of the Asda Foundation Green Token Giving.

What do the backpacks look like? Have a look at the photo slider below!

Sensory Map

This Sensory Map is designed as a guide to provide important information to visitors with sensory sensitivities and highlight sensory-rich areas of the Museum so every visitor can comfortably explore the Museum. The map has indictors of sensory stimuli including: less/more crowded areas, quieter/noisier areas, dimmer/brighter areas, interactives and uneven surfaces across the Museum site.

You can take a physical copy of our Sensory Map from the Museum’s Reception when you arrive or you can download your own copy below.

PDF Sensory Map

Visual Guide to NMMS

We have a visual story for visitors to use before and during their visit to the museum. The visual story guides you through what to expect at the museum, it includes both text and images. The visual story provides information about access, our touchable objects and where to find staff.

Please download a PDF copy below.

PDF NMMS Visual Guide

Visit Sequence Cards and Planning Board

(PECS Style Picture/Symbol Communication)

The visit planning board is designed to help families plan their visit around the museum and is in a similar style to the PECS communication boards used in schools and at home. It includes a statement of “Today I will visit” or “Today I will see” and a series of symbols or pictures to choose from to help plan your today. Many of these are specific to what you can see at the Mining Museum.

You can borrow a copy of our Visual Sequence Cards and Board from the Museum’s Reception when you arrive or you can download your own copy below.

PDF Visual Sequence Cards

Hearing Aid/Induction Loops

We have stationary hearing aid loops at the Museum reception, café and the starting area for the guided tour (Miners’ office, second floor) and a roaming induction loop for the guided tour route.

Ipads – Communication

Ipads are available from the Museum reception to borrow to help with communication. The Ipads have PECS and other access apps installed.

We hope this information is helpful and we will continue to add to these resources over the coming months. Please get in touch with any questions or feedback.

If you would like further information about Access at NMMS please visit our Access Information page here.

If you would like further information about SEND in Museums please visit the following websites:

Send in Museums




National Mining Museum Scotland would like to thank Museums Galleries Scotland and Asda Community Fund for their support in helping us improve our accessibility.